Thursday, 20 May 2010

18 years 18 years

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digga...

... she got one of yo' kids got you for 18 years.

Not quite 18 years...

it has been 18 months though. I could have served a mission, did three semesters of english teaching, did a masters degree and a half, had two kids, doubled my transistors — according to moore's law... ummm I can't think of anything else.

it's been pretty awesome regardless of all the heinous stuff. :)

What I've done today:-

- got a puncture fixed that has been festering in my boot since January.

- posted a statement of intent to a lawyer

- filled the car with water in its water bit and its window skooshing bit and checked the oil and decided I need to get oil

- some design work for Eilidh's love

- baked Patsy cookies that she gave me (pictures to follow)

- packed all my master of design stuff into a box

- packed some other bits and pieces into a bits and pieces box

- tried 7,000 different links to try and download lost to no avail

- did my tax return and sorted out getting all my apple tax back for 2009 - 2010 (there's about enough tax in there to pay for my stuff to be shipped to the US or to buy myself a plane ticket to get out of dodge)

and I think that's that.

When I woke up this morning I was so happy that it was my day off... pure joy... joy joy joy. because of london last week it feels like I've not had a proper day off in ages. Sunday's a day off, I know, but I actually have to get up earlier on a Sunday than I do on a work day. Crazy.

Not for long though, because of iPad i've got a lot of long shifts coming up, which I can't complain about because it will definitely help the debt repayment :)

Here's my most favourite fail blog for this week:

You just don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm sure there's some kind of depressing metaphor for life in there — like don't even try; there is no end; or the universe simply says 'hahahahahahahaha'.

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