Wednesday 21 January 2009

Richard branson pickle.

Regrets in my life: Not seeing radiohead in August in Glasgow. And not seeing silverchair in salt lake in november 2007.

(I'm listening to radioehad so that's what made me think of that.)

Yesterday was an awesome day. J-Mc and I sundanced and saw some really bizarre stuff that I think Jon hated, and I kind of felt sorry for, more than anything. We saw a movie called Stay the Same Never change... and in the magazine/review it sounded amazing. The actual movie itself was hard to watch and very disfragmented and incredibly hard to understand. The director, afterwards, gave no valid explanation other than 'it's hard being a 17 year old girl.' We decided that it was all about men hating. Which it was. I mean, some of it, I really got, other parts were just weird.

Later that night, after some taco bell goodness, we went to see slumdog millionaire. If you haven't seen it, see it. It's well worth it. So good. Such a brilliant concept and idea, with a lot of little quirky symbolic added extras. Two thumbs fresh, well and truly. Amazing.

On the way home though, we were chatting about something or other and Richard Branson came up, as he always does, not a day passes without the mention of richard branson, his cola, his hot air balloons, and his space camp programme.

Anyway... I made a comment last night that if the world was ever in trouble of blowing up I'm sure Branson would have some kind of escape plan and pod that he would invite a few unsuspecting civillians to join him in. They would watch virgin tv, and listen to virgin radio, and put their money in virgin isas. It would be a new and beautiful virgin life. haha... Virgin life... start again, on another planet, in another space pod with Virgin After Earth Life. I also went as far as saying that Richard Branson would become like Willy Wonka and he would put golden tickets in his virgin cola or something and those people would be lucky enough to leave earth in his space pod. How very Wizard of Oz mixed with Charlie and the Chocolate factory. (I'm thinking about his hot air balloon just now.)

Today I was reading my news page, the best place for news, Reuters Oddly Enough section, why concern yourself with real news? Really.

And this is what I found.

Made me laugh... everything I said last night is true.

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