Sunday 1 November 2009

Hallowe'en Visual Stimuli

Back when I was at art school Hallowe'en was a huge deal. It was all about out doing each other with the creative art ideas. Now I don't really care. Before art school I didn't really care either. I'm not a fan of dressing up purely because if my costume isn't perfect I don't feel comfortable.

Yesterday/last night when I got to church for their event within 5 minutes I saw my niece pressing her face against a piece of glass on a door dressed as snow white, with her friend Soren dressed as superman at the other window on the set of double doors.

I remembered I had found my red camera and later managed to get only a couple of shots, nothing amazing. It's costumes like those that I love. Ones that are of real characters or people. Love them. I think it appeals to my juxtaposition/oxymoron side of life — where I like seeing things out of place.

Amie and Soren:

I also had the fantastic opportunity to take this small video. Immediately preceeding this Soren and Amie were spinning in another part of the hall. They started going pretty fast and Amie disappeared from sight into some tables and chairs after Soren couldn't hold on to her any more.

I was sad that I didn't get that video, it would have won me money on You've Been Framed. That's for sure.

Today for work I dug out my Emily Strange Cat Ear Hoody which was actually amazing because it was so warm. It has been in the boot of my car as a 'spare jacket' for years. I don't have a working spare tire but I do have a blanket, cushion and spare jacket. I am a girl.

Today I was an iCat. It was awesome.

I then had some random hallowe'en awesome with Zero. It is her night after all. She was born the way she is for tonight.

And I caught a sighting of Zero the Ghost Cat. See how she's invisible.

And yes I have bright orange converse that I got in Paris that I dreamed about days before, then found through a random circumstance involving mashed potato, missing a train, and having an odd size of foot.

It's a semi entertaining story (like all my stories) I should write about it sometime.

And as a final thought:

Long live the apostrophe in Hallowe'en.

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