Monday 9 November 2009

Monday Blah.

Quotes of the past week:

Don't send a left hand to do a right hand's job.

Why is there a large barcode stuck to my sunglasses.

I'm going to bed, because I have a long shift tomorrow, and I want a subway sandwich, I'm not hungry, I'm just miserable because I've not had enough of something in my life today. Lame.

I tell you what though, I've decided that rather than sell everything I own I'm going to give some of it away as christmas presents... yes I am tight, and being somewhat practical. The money I made from selling stuff would just go towards presents so I might as well give some of it to people that would love it. Don't worry it won't be trash, I will only give stuff that people will enjoy. Seriously. I think it's a full proof plan.

Tomorrow's the 11/11/09. It's also a Wednesday, I'm contemplating playing my 9 and 11 row of lottery numbers tomorrow, hmmm. Should I shouldn't I? I should call upon the power of the 11. To sort all of mine and Eilidh's financial woes.

I'm just typing for the sake of typing when I should be doing nanowrimo or something. I had such a good idea, but I just didn't feel it. The desire to write is gone. I just want to mope instead.

Sigh, seriously the past four months have been crazy, it's almost 4 months and one week. It's a weird kind of miss and sadness, because it's almost identical to a breakup, but it's not, because there's hope and happines, and still constant contact, but every now and then it's a similar pain that usually would be filled or ignored by 'moving on' but moving on isn't allowed in this scenario because it's hope, and happy imagination filled future that's in store. I think the only thing that is really not letting distance effect the relationship is the fact that he is most definitely worth it. There hasn't been more worth in any other endeavour that I've ever followed. Seriously. Love helps too :). But it will all most definitely be worth it, because he is worth it, and there's no one in the world that I could ever imagine myself with or that I would ever want to be with. It's actually almost like a storybook movie the way we fit together and work. Definitely worth it.


1 comment:

Tari said...

I'm sorry you're having a hard time! But hang in there!