Saturday 27 March 2010

Feelings of a lifetime.

Holla' attcha. That's my Gwen Stefani gig for the day.

I was thinking today about a few different things. It started when I finished work and went for 'coffee' with Claire. Coffee being me drinking a cinnamon steamer and eating a pretty cupcake.

I was talking to Claire about a guy she's half dating and half not and she doesn't know if she likes him or if he likes her, so she was going to try and up the affection level and see where it takes her.

She was thinking of inviting her to her house to watch movies or some TV and I then I said 'Ohhh and when you are there you can try out the 'fight over the remote and I end up holding your hand thing'' then I got the warm fuzzies, because I was remembering the first time Jon held my hand:

Date numero dos.

We were sitting on his black couch after watching bolt and eating at Cafe Trang, which was awesome. And we were looking up an instruction manual for setting up his TV to make it work. He'd moved house just a couple of days before. I remember we were both looking over the iPhone screen and he clicked on a link and we were both crossing our fingers and then he reached over and grabbed my crossed fingers hand.

I actually have the lamest grin thinking about it. I was so into him, and I had no idea if he was even bothered or if he just wanted the novelty of hanging out with a Scottish person.

Happy moment.

After thinking this thought Claire and I parted ways and I was thinking about other AMAZING feelings that I never want to forget.

The day I got into Art School is one.

I was working at a hotel and started at 7am and finished at 12. I was running late that day. One of the few days I was ever late for that job. It was after 8 (Yes I was really late) and I was sitting on the train and my mum called me. I had no idea why she would be calling me. So I answered. She told me I had mail from Duncan of Jordanstone and did I want her to open it or just wait until I came home. After milling over the thought I told her to open it. As she was she jokingly said 'It says they're just reviewing your application' (weeks earlier I'd received a letter from Safeway — a supermarket — telling me my recent job application was being reviewed again, and that was it... weird). I thought she was being serious and my heart sank and then she was like 'just kidding it was a joke because of Safeway.' Then she went quiet and I could literally hear her reading. She then told me that i'd been accepted. I have no idea how big my grin was. It was huge. I called my best friend at the time, heather, and spoke to her all the way walking up to work in the dead dead streets of Glasgow. They're always empty and it's errily beautiful walking through town with empty quiet streets. The only people around are going to work or going home from a long long party. It's like there was a bustle of life then it just faded away with the sun committing to rise. I haven't done it in a while, but it's nice.

Anyway. Getting into art school was one of the best feelings ever.

I'll hopefully think of more, because there has to be more, I can't just have two.

Actually, the total kick of adrenaline while being proposed to, that's something to never forget.

The day I won the lottery would be another, but that's not happened.... yet :):):)

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