Saturday 13 March 2010

Nom Nom Nom

The other day it was my 26th and half birthday. I think it was last friday. I forgot to mention it on here, but I was talking about it all day at work and in general life. I think I even told a few customers.

So today I am 26th and a half and one week. I am now closer to 27 than I ever was before. But that's true of every day. I'm not age obsessed by any means, I'm not bothered about ageing rapidly. I think it's because I had a sudden perspective overhaul a year or so ago. Around the time I bought a skateboard and went by the slogan 'I can do anything I want, no matter how old I am, I can learn new things.' Needless to say, that motto hasn't really lasted too long, or rather, it's not as ambitious as it once was. Mark my words though, I will skateboard one day, and on that day I will officially be Marty McFly.

I think the fact that I am engaged and will be getting married at some point before I'm 28, I feel okay about ageing. Definitely.

This evening I made two felt flowers and one really big 5meter ribbon and cute paper bunting thing. It was pretty wicked, Kris even helped out for a bit, he's been itching to have someone teach him how to knit so he can help. Bless his intentions. He has a short attention span though, so his help was short lived but greatly appreciated.

I had a story, but forgot to mention it the other night, I phoned Jon instead of blogging.

I was on the train and I was sitting in a four seat: four seats, two opposite each other. I was sitting in by the window facing, otherwise I vomit, and there was a business looking man diagonal across from me so we weren't knee touching. Both of us were reading newspapers. Our symmetrical difference, other than the obvious physical ones, was that he was eating a Snickers bar and I wasn't.

It was in his hand, resting on his knee closest to me, and I thought, if I were to bend over and take a bite (which I could do with a lot of ease) what would he do?

I wish I had.

It would have been good. I think the only thing stopping me was that I could see where his teeth had left saliva as he'd taken his last bite. Slevs are the enemy. I'd already made eye contact and smiled at him earlier when the ticket man had come by. There's something about apple that makes me a bit more pleasant with the general public. I tend to smile at them randomly, as if I'm still working.

During training at apple I used to always say that there were a lot of similarities to the church. One of which is that I'm a representative of Apple always. To anyone that knows where I work, I become the face of apple in everything I do — to the people that know. So I think that's why I get all smiley in public I think.


The conclusion of this story is that moments after wanting to eat this man's chocolate I flipped to the 'cartoon strips' at the back of the paper and saw this:

So it pretty much says "sometimes I don't even like chocolate, honest.' 'For long periods I don't have the least desire.' 'Then other times it's just...' and her pal says 'just'.

On facebook I'm actually tagged by someone as this Nemi character. Apparently she's Scandinavian, and she is usually in a foreign language and sometimes gets lost in translation. This didn't get lost at all. In fact moments before I had been tempted to do that. It was so freaky. I actually started laughing out loud a little when I saw it, I was in some disbelief that I had psychically predicted the humour without knowing I was predicting. I love me. The man, I'm sure, thought I was slightly mental for laughing out loud, but he has no idea how close he came to losing his Snickers.

Also on that page were the horoscopes, which I tend to read just for the amusement. Sometimes there's really funny ones. I also read Jon's just so I can check up on what he's doing that day.

The other day Jon's said that everything he touched this month would turn to gold, I was kind of pleased I wasn't around, I don't fancy being gold. Ahhhh. I'm funny.

Anyway, this same Snicker's eating day our horoscopes were:

Jon's pretty much told me he was cheating on me. Kidding. I don't believe that don't worry. But I was amused for a second.

Mine rang accurate and true, because I was tormented with a lot of thought that day, there were 3 or 4 things that kept playing in my mind which were effecting everything I did that day. It wasn't good. I was able to resolve some of them, possibly all of them. I was worried about marriage planning and how waiting for 'ideal circumstances' in the US might cause me to be living in unideal conditions in the UK, come the summer time — if i'm still here then. I resolved my immediate fear on this one by coming up with a plan. The next day I sent my 'interview readiness' form to London, and told Jon he would have a time limit on getting his forms to me. Then I devised a plan that would be semi-fool-proof depending on circumstances, and favours, and me having my visa in hand.

The other was a holiday request at work being denied, but I sorted it.

And the other was the fear of getting more hours, I love working at apple, and I asked for more hours, and I didn't know if I was going to be successful or not, and then worrying about whether I would do a good job, and still love the job when everything 'changed.' I have a change phobia, but only about certain things. Other changes I can handle, some I can't. Weird. So yeah, that is half resolved because I will be working more, but it doesn't start for another couple of weeks, and then we will know how that goes.

My favourite part of that entire newspaper though was the front cover, which had Sandra Bullock collecting her Oscar on it:

By far my photo of the year.

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