Thursday 19 February 2009

I just cut my own hair...

... well the fringe part of it anyway.

There's nothing words can say to describe those 40 minutes of my life.

Here are some pictures.



I don't think I did too terribly. I took a little bit off the length as well... it's not really that noticeable though, and there's now a pile of hair in the bin and in the sink, and down the drain and on my cardigan.

What's alarming though, is that the way I parted my hair at the side was the exact spot for Re-Finding my gray hair.... and it's now duplicated. Seriously. Duplicated. I've tried to highlight the two guys as much as possible.

The first time I found that gray hair was on my way out of the swimming pool, on my way to institute before my first date with Jon. I wanted to look good for that date so I had brought my hairdryer to the pool with me. Call me crazy. But I found a gray hair while drying my hair. What's puzzling is that I thought it was on the other side before. So maybe there are more than 2.

My mother went gray when she was 19 so i've done well holding out until now. Not bad at all.

And, I might add... all of my hair was cut with a single blade razor and a normal pair of scissors. How Hipster of me.

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