Saturday 17 October 2009

The Birth and Death of the Days

The opening seconds of this song:

Make me think of many things.

1. Scott
I've no idea why, but you once went to that gig, and I burned you the CD of all their songs, and I'm not sure if you even like them. Probably not. But it now reminds me of your life.

2. Salt Lake City 2007
Sitting in my attic on day 2 of a new adventure. I'd walked to Grey Whale on an exploration in the hot autumn sun, while I kicked leaves on the ground. I squinted in the sun, and I laughed at the orange flags to be used for crossing the road.

3. Pretty Woman
I was so bored I watched pretty woman with the entire Explosions in the Sky CD playing over it. The first time round it fitted well, with blinks of the eye and screen changes.

4. Tyler
On the night before I left Salt Lake I gave the CD to Ty-dog, the friend I saw on my first night in Salt Lake, and then later became friends with him and Rob that next Sunday. He and all his 'hipster' friends represented the sudden realisation that just being a member of the church wasn't good enough reason to just be friends with someone. I could be friends with people based on commonalities beyond religion, and still have religion in common regardless.

I think... the song, is a culmination of the sunsets, the cool breezes, the city lights, the happy thoughts, the freedom, the imagination, and the adventure of being in the western US in autumn... alone.

There are a couple of songs that I have gathered and possessed in my life that make me feel the same calm that this one does. Every time I hear the opening bars I breathe a wonderful breath, and feel so happy and lucky to be alive and surrounded by innate (heaven sent) beauty every single day.

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