Thursday 15 October 2009

Wild Type.

I'm currently involved in a sly cat fight. I'm sitting on my bed looking at emails and business stuff and the cat is leaning heavily on my left arm. Every 2.5 minutes she tries to put her paw slyly on my arm or tummy. She essentially wants a cuddle, but I'm refusing. Her tactics are amusing unto me though.

So i went to see Up last night (for the second time) amazing.

Before it started there was an advertisement for Where The Wild Things Are, and it was a new one.

What I loved most about it was the type. So, like a type geek, I took screenshots from the YouTube version of the video.

The best thing I've seen today is this amazing video:

I swear I've seen Seth Green and Paul Rudd in there. There's actually so much to comment about that it's hard to pin point one thing, you just have to watch it and know how awesome it is. Moustaches ahoy!

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