Tuesday 15 September 2009

Sunday Suds.

Last night after dinner I was washing the dishes (the traditional water in a basin way... we don't have a dish washer... mercy!) and as I finished my brother pointed to a tiny bubble floating in the sky.

Zero the Ghost Cat enjoys sitting on top of the fridge freezer because it offers prime ninja attack position and a good view point of the whole kitchen, what's cooking on the cooker and what's out the window. It also let's in good sun rays during the day.

Zero was intrigued by the bubble so with some wind help from me I blew it up to her and she sniffed it and it burst on her nose.

This spurred about an hour to an hour and a half's activity involving my cat and Dora the Explorer bubbles... and a camera of course.

The fridge.

The Bubbles.

The curious cat.

The curiosity.

The fear.

The desensitisation.

Unaccompanied bubbles.

And then the humour shots. :)

and the side ways ambush bubble that made me laugh because it blobbed into the camera view finder.

and finally...

The money shot. 90 minutes and 100+ photos and finally a nose on contact re-enactment of the first tiny tiny bubble bursting on nose.

In other photographic news...

On saturday my mum and niece went to an awesome country park. My Niece is currently obsessed with tea parties so we had a picnic with her in the country park among the trees and in the grass. It was pretty awesome.

And the sun was shining and I had shaved my legs and put on shorts.. it was wonderful. It was like one day of summer. :)

Timer shots are my favourite.

And of course.. my brother being my brother had an art project to do which I ended up helping him with which turned into a miniature disaster. His teacher apparently hates it.

The best part of it was the charcoal unicorn I drew at the bottom of the page.


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