Saturday 12 July 2008

Elitism, Nemi, Life, Week, Thoughts, Unicorns.

One last cheeky wee post before bed.

The update of my week, and some more random pictures.

I was at Kate's last night and I was telling her all about my life and how I think I have lost confidence in myself and how I need to refind my stability, possibly through spirituality.

She told me to always be myself.

Today's message of the chai was this:

It speaks such volumes. Every day i get excited and confident about who I am, then I go to sleep, and when I wake up I'm back to square one again. It's weird.

Today was the 11th of July. Good old 11. I saw the 11th minute of many hours today, as well as being sent an email at 9:11am.

Seriously, 9 11. 9th of November or 11th of September? Hopefully the former. I don't know if i can wait that long.

Okay so, Gail, an ace girl I work with, sent me an email telling me to look at a T-shirt she though I might like.

It had this image on it:

I love it.

I then browsed the rest of the site

and found these amazing graphics that made me laugh...

... a lot.

Because he does help me.

The pi number with a cherry. Cherry Pie. get it? Get it?

And this could very well be me.

The last one goes hand in hand with a comic strip in the metro that appeared a few weeks ago.

Kate has always said the I remind her of Nemi, except for the whole drunken and sex thing (and today she was also scared of water - kind of fitting to my near death experience last night).

and I also read this story this week in the metro

and this made me laugh

I've decided not to put the story that made me want to vomit up. It was too horrific.

Anyway. Although I might appear like an elitist after a long think (after Bretter icksen accused me of being an elitist) about it I realised i'm not really. Who am I being Elite with? Who is in my Elite?

I am possibly selfish, yes.

I am a sentimental fool, this is a fact. A proper fact not just any kind of fact that I usually pass off as fact. I attach memories to songs, depending on who I was listening to the songs with, where I was, what mood I was in etc etc. I love music because the music gives me memories and allows for more to be added and created.

It is mean that I do not want to afford others the same experience, but I don't like it when a song of mine, which I hold dearly, is taken and used and sung by people who will never know the true value of it.

Really it's not about elitism, it's about not wanting to share my life and most personal memories with every Tom Dick and Harry in the world. Perhaps I could even be called slightly judgemental because I judge the people as unable to appreciate the song.

I don't know.

I was just thinking about some terrific family guy episodes I watched recently, and that reminded me of Steve from work who said today, after I mentioned the name Dick Van Dyke, that I should use his politically correct name Penis Van Lesbian.

I've never thought about it before, but it is true, the use of the words Dick and Dkye can be offensive.

How's that for an amusing thought for the day.

I'm not sure what I'll do this weekend, more than likely it will involve trees, unicorns, fender violins, camera lenses, sleep, candy mountain, dinosaurs, leopleurodon, magic, hogwarts, maps, looking up flights to see where i can escape to, meh.

I'm sure i'll find out.

Here's another thought. I love that I live in the centre of time. GMT is it. How is that for elitism. Britons are elitists. We live in the centre of time. No + or - numbers for us. we are it.


I've misplaced my scalpel. Be warned. It's very sharp, and very missing.

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