Tuesday 15 July 2008

Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far.

The time has come for me to impart some wisdom that does not belong to me.

Stefan Sagmeister's Things He has Learned speaks volumes for the things I should be learning, the things I have learned, and about the things I think we have all learned in life so far.

Here is his list of twenty with my own commentary in italics underneath.

I salute you Sagmeister.

1. Assuming is stifling.

Fact. I assume too much, and never clarify anything, and it drives me insane. I get lost in my assumptive thoughts and think and replay people, events, and things over and over to the point that it does stifle me. Less assuming. More fact inquiry perhaps.

2. Being not truthful works against me.

I actually can't lie, people can tell I'm lying, so I'm with Sagmeister on this one. It also just leads to stress of maintaining the un-truth.

3. Complaining is silly. Either act or forget.

Being British, I have to complain. That's what we do: moan to each other A LOT about nothing then move on. I think we dwell in more of sentimental memory way rather than a bitter way. We also like to keep our complaints for further conversation. But then I suppose it does drag down the tone and demenour of the conversation.

4. Drugs are fun in the beginning but become a drag later on.

I don't really have a comment on this one because I have no first hand experience of it.

5. Everybody (always) thinks they are right.

Of course they do. They will always think they are right until they are proven wrong. You know?

6. Everybody who is honest is interesting.

I like this one. I hope I am an honest person. I don't lie, but I do tend to avoid being upfront, honest and open. Again this is attributed to being British I think, and being partly cowardly. However, there are times in my life that I have been open and honest and the benefits have been greatly rewarding. But then opportunities to explore further honesty expire, and then I just fear the bad timing and I assume the responses and answers. No assuming, no shut mouthed dishonesty. Perhaps it is dishonesty to not speak what we are thinking all the time?

7. Everything I do always comes back to me.

Everything has consequences. I've not had direct experience of this in a negative. I think I watch my own back too much. From a design perspective it is a fact, everything always comes back eventually. I have had things I've said come back to me, but I never remember saying them. Always things that I try and pass off as facts - because everything I think and say is right.

8. Having guts always works out for me.

I don't really have any of those. But I'll let you know if I grow any. Well, travelling I suppose. It's always worked out. I've never been stranded, I've always made friends, I've made things happen. That takes guts I suppose. Talking in public, having an opinion takes guts too. I wish I had more passion about my convictions again. I get so easily trodden down, and decide that my voice isn't worth much in the noise. I need to have more guts. Decide what I believe in and preach it.

9. Helping other people helps me.

Fact. I always feel really good about myself when I can be helpful. I also like to not talk about the things I do do for people. It seems to take away from the humble happiness and strength I am awarded when I am of some kind of service to other people.

10. If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first.

I've never been that brave. I'm trying to. But we'll see how it pans out.

11. Joemmera isch bloed. I soet eappas tua odr's vergessa.

Your guess is as good as mine. FreeTranslation.com?

12. Keeping a diary supports personal development.

I cannot tell you how many diaries I have. I have a few completed, I have some that were abandonned, but, right now, I have a sketch book diary that I do crazy drawings and write really basic things in (it's almost david shrigley esque), I have my blog, I have an actual writing diary somwhere, I have a blessings and gratitude diary that I use to think about the things in my life that are blessings, I have a feelings, emotions and confidence notebook (that i've not written in in a while) that I use for quick notes to work out patterns in my life and emotions. I think it's tremendously important, because it helps to focus and channel everything that's in my mind. It helps me to think clearly, chart a path, and realise my real thoughts, feelings and reactions. Without my diaries, I would be mental - moreso than I am.

13. Low expectations are a low strategy.

This has always worked for me. It might seem tragic, but it's not. I mean, I have aims, goals, ambitions etc etc and above all I have passion, but I also don't expect too much from myself because I know myself too well, and if I keep letting myself down and don't achieve the things I set out to do I will just hate myself and then not trust myself to accomplish anything. So small goals, low expectations that lead to high and promising goals is how I work.

14. Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses.

Yes. I am an anti-consumer. Well anti-unnecessary consumer. And having too many things just makes us sick. What to we do with them all, when do we have the time to use them all? We're too busy working to pay them all off. I hate money, I hate things. My most valued possessions are all books, journals and other artifacts from my life that bring back happy memories and prove that I existed.

15. Money does not make me happy.

It makes me miserable. Once I am out of debt and I actually have no money rather than negative money I will be the happiest person in the world. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THAT DAY. Just to be legitamitely back at zero again. It would be nice to not have to worry about money, or where the food's coming from etc etc, but I don't think that security would make me happy either. Where's the excitement?

16. My dreams have no meanings.

My dreams have meanings to me, but I don't think they do mean anything more than that I was doing that or thinking that on that day. I've read up on some of my dream interpretations before and they all say the same thing. It's like reading the daily horoscope.

17. Over time I start getting used to everything and start taking it for granted.

Fact. Especially people. Then the people leave, or I just assume they will leave, so I take them for granted so it makes it easier when they do leave me. I was on the train today and I was thinking about my 20 minute journey out of the city and I was thinking about how many people in the world would probably kill for my Glasgow/European life, because it is an experience. I've just been experiencing it for so long I take it for granted.

18. Starting a charity is surprisingly easy.

Good, because I want to start one.

19. Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live now.

This is so true. Everyone sits around, or gets stuck in their routine with the decision and idea that everything will be better eventually, that things will work out, that everything will get happier, that everything is just a temporary event until they can 'afford' to do what they want, that the future will hold everything they ever dreamed of and more. I hold my hand up guilty as for this one. I mull around waiting for something to happen rather than taking the Bull by the horns and making my life happy now. I know what I need to do. So I should be doing everything within my means to do it, instead of waiting around hoping it will all work out for me and I will be happy with no effort on my behalf.

20. Trying to look good limits my life.

This is by far my favourite one. I have spent so many years trying to work out how to dress to attract people, to attract friends, to look cool, to be viewed as amazing, unique or different. But now, I couldn't care less. I think this, essentially, will lead to my demise or the loss of some kind of competition. But I really can't be bothered any more. There's so many more important things in the world than being super skinny, than having straightened UK hair all the time, than having eybrows that have been plucked to nothing, than wearing high heels, skirts, low cut tops and anything else that I used to do to try and be noticed. I can't be bothered any more. I would much rather just be unnoticed. I haven't brushed my hair since Sunday morning, and I do my make up on the train every morning. I mean, I still take a certian amount of pride in my appearance, but I do dress like a scruff most of the time. Gone are the days. I wish I did look like Tank Girl though. That would be amazing.

21. Worrying solves nothing.

This is true, but I am a natural born worrier and it makes me ill, I think. That's why I seem to stress so much over the simplest things. I get so worked up and so involved in my own worry about everything from the world to what I said on Sunday night at dinner. You know? I just think too much and worry too much, especially about what other people think of me. But nothing ever is resolved with worry. Honesty, truth, being up-front: that solves problems, not worry. But I continue to worry regardless. Worrying really hinders my life. I need to be free to feel like I can do whatever I want, be whomever I want without worrying or caring what other people think or their reactions. When did I start caring so much?

So it turns out there's 21. I think the one in Austrian/German/French may or may not count.

Who knows.


In other news.

I started reading Twilight. While I was in Utah I was leant a copy of Twilight by Stephanie Mayer. And because of my 'working from home' situation when I was home I felt like I should be working, so I had a tendency to not do the things that entertained and relaxed me, like reading.

I only made it about 60 pages into the book and then I had to come home.

Last week I had a hankering to find out what happened. It had been a few weeks and I kept thinking I wonder where that story was going. So I got on it, bought it on Amazon and received it on Friday.

I've been reading it since. I'm more than half way through and so in love with the vampire main character dude.

It's pretty much Buffy and Angel but in a less developed manner, without the passion of Buffy and Angel.

Buffy and Angel were the best Vampire/Human couple ever. So amazing.

But yeah, I am totally taken by twilight because it essentially is a romance story with a vampire. So I'm getting my kick of love and romance through a book just now. Living my life procariously through fictional characters that exist in my head haha.

I wish a tall dark handsome muscle-y vampire would fall in love with me and try and read my thoughts and rescue me from dangerous situations.

Go me and my awesomeness.

Still no news from Italy. I hate waiting, but that's it though, everything rides on that response.


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